Public Sector

Our Services
BPP Newhaven Recycling Facility
BPP GCC Javelin Park Energy

BPP Consulting has extensive experience of presenting evidence at hearings and Public Examinations, both in promoting and supporting roles depending on the needs of the client. We understand the need for evidence to be presented coherently and confidently, ensuring that the client’s position is stated in a robust manner. We approach public examinations with a positive mindset as our experience is that inspectors often like to work collaboratively to achieve a sound plan.

We can also assist when a plan is undergoing examination, helping to produce responses to Inspector queries at examination and managing representor liaison and negotiation, including the production of Statements of Common Ground.

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BPP Tree
Critical Friend, Training & Facilitation

We often provide local authorities with ‘Critical Friend’ support on a ‘one-off’ basis Typically this service provided by BPP Consulting includes: soundness and legality healthcheck of a minerals or waste planning document under preparation; offering a second opinion on a proposed approach to plan-making; policy briefings on the application of current and emerging policy, legislation and future policy direction. We have been commissioned by the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) and the Planning Officers Society (POS) to provide consultancy support to specific local planning authorities on this basis.

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BPP Somerset Critical Friend
Data, Evidence & Sustainability Appraisal

We are skilled in preparing the evidence reports needed to identify issues and underpin decisions on policy approaches.

One of our specialities at BPP Consulting is preparing data reports, which assess the likelihood and extent of future waste management capacity requirements. We have developed proven methodologies to estimate baseline, management profiles, forecasts, and assess the suitability of targets and management needs for each waste stream. These methods have been used as part of the evidence base for a number of plans which having been tested at Examination and been found sound. We also apply our exceptional knowledge of waste data to critically review need cases submitted in support of Planning applications.

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BPP Javelin Park Design
Development Management

BPP Consulting can help you with development management, providing specialist planning consultancy support to planning authorities in evaluating supporting evidence and representations, and preparing committee reports and recommendations. We also provide expert witnesses at public inquiries on enforcement matters and civil disputes.

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BPP Newhaven Recycling Facility
Local Plan Support

BPP Consulting have extensive experience of preparing waste and minerals local plans and an intimate knowledge of the associated processes. BPP can provide expertise in all areas of planning from project management to presenting evidence at examination.

Our experience ensures that at all times documentation is prepared diligently with the ultimate outcome.

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Project Management

Excellent project management is key to ensuring that the preparation of a Local Plan stays on track, while meeting all the associated legislative and national policy requirements. BPP Consulting’s extensive experience of project managing waste and minerals local plans, means that clients can be confident that deadlines for plan preparation will be met. During the planning process, unforeseen issues may arise, and our skills and expertise mean that such issues will be addressed efficiently and effectively based on a solid appreciation of the tests of soundness and legality.

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Waste and Minerals Planning Professionals

BPP Consulting is an alliance of waste and environmental planning practitioners offering a responsive, reliable and high quality Waste and Minerals Planning Consultancy services to the public and private sectors

Call: +44 (0) 1342 825300 |