Planning Advisory ServiceWaste Planning Workshops

Identifying strategic impacts and partners.
BPP Waste Planning Workshops

1. Waste management as a strategic issue
Overview of DtC purpose – what is required? What is meaningful engagement etc.?

(With reference to other PAS guidance & Policy context – NPPF, NPPW)
What is it about waste management that makes it strategic?
Is there anything particularly ‘special’ about waste?

2. Identifying strategic impacts and partners

  • Receiving authorities: Capturing all current flows; Contextualising current data with historical; Predicting future flows
  • Exporting authorities – clarifying intentions
  • Engaging District & Borough Councils in the Waste Plan process
  • Engaging with other entities e.g. Environment Agency, Natural England, LEPs etc.
  • The role of Strategic bodies e.g. former RTABs & Memoranda of Understanding

3. Determining what is significant

  • Use of thresholds and defining them

4. View of Inspectors

5. Managing the Paper Chase

  • Targeting contact; template letters; tracking responses & maintaining a DtC record. Producing a DtC statement.
Waste and Minerals Planning Professionals

BPP Consulting is an alliance of waste and environmental planning practitioners offering a responsive, reliable and high quality Waste and Minerals Planning Consultancy services to the public and private sectors

Call: +44 (0) 1342 825300 |