West Sussex Waste Local Plan

In Spring 2012, BPP Consulting was appointed to support West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in the preparation of their Waste Local Plan.
BPP West Sussex Waste Plan

The County Council were nearing completion of a draft Plan, but had very limited in-house resources and a challenging deadline for the publication of their subsequent Proposed Submission draft.

Full Plan Production Support inc Evidence Base Review & Production of Additional Supporting Documentation plus interim Project Management & Critical Friend for SEA.

Working closely with the in-house team, BPP Consulting provided support for an intense period of activity, lasting eight months in the areas including critically reviewing work undertaken by the incumbent consultant (AEAT) and identifying gaps.

BPP Consulting was then appointed to produce an updated assessment of Construction Demolition and Excavation Waste (CDEW) and Commercial and Industrial (C&I) waste, amongst others, to support the plan making process.

Most recently, we have been commissioned by West Sussex County Council (& South Down National Park) to produce annual refresh reports on CDEW & C&I waste to inform the production of the Annual Monitoring Report for the 5 years to 2018.

Waste and Minerals Planning Professionals

BPP Consulting is an alliance of waste and environmental planning practitioners offering a responsive, reliable and high quality Waste and Minerals Planning Consultancy services to the public and private sectors

Call: +44 (0) 1342 825300 | info@bppconsulting.co.uk