West London Waste Plan

In August 2013, BPP Consulting was commissioned to support six west London boroughs with the preparation of their Waste Local Plan.
BPP West London Waste Plan Landscape

This work involved the following:

  • Initial ‘Health-check’ including consistency with the NPPF and PPS10.
  • Compliance support – Advised on legal compliance matters such as Duty to Cooperate & Sustainability Strategies.
  • Project Management – Prepared a detailed project plan and subsequent task-list, advising client Project Manager to ensure deadlines were met.
  • Sustainability Appraisal – Support on the SA produced using in-house resources.
  • Waste Data – Critical review of the previous consultant’s capacity assessment and data reports, developed alternative approach, which resulted in identified ‘need’ being substantially reduced.
  • Site assessment – Critical review of site selection process and production of independent audit trail of process. Generated site particulars for each site identified for allocation included as part of the Plan. Developed cases for defence of site selection in face of representations and presented these at the hearing.
  • Liaison with key stakeholders including the GLA, Environment Agency, waste operators and other Waste Planning Authorities.

The Plan was found sound and successfully adopted in July 2015.

Waste and Minerals Planning Professionals

BPP Consulting is an alliance of waste and environmental planning practitioners offering a responsive, reliable and high quality Waste and Minerals Planning Consultancy services to the public and private sectors

Call: +44 (0) 1342 825300 | info@bppconsulting.co.uk